Renta or Homeowner?

Renta or Homeowner?

Tired of paying Renta? Use our handy Rent vs Buy calculator to find out if you’re ready to own your home.

Improve Tu Crédito

Listo to be a homeowner? We can help.

Start by answering the following questions. We’ll take care of the rest.

  • Location, location! Where do you want to live?
  • A cuánto? How much is the house you’re eyeing?
  • How much money can you put down up front?
  • How long do you want to live there?
  • How many years are you planning for? (30 years is typical)
  • How much are similar casas for rent?

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Mindfulness Can Help You Control Your Own Economic Power

It’s easy for your mental health to take a deep dive during these times, but one way to help is by practicing mindfulness—a meditative practice that can not only ease your mind, but also in theory, help you financially. 

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