Money Talks August 2021 | WEARESUMA

When You Are A Money Saver

When You Are A Money Saver

Buying real bling💎 is expensive pero a little ingenuity goes a long (gold chain) way. And Latin@s are full of ways to save every day.🙌 Below are a few tips (and maybe clothing items) we’ve picked up from our mami 😅

🛍Hand me downs can still be leveled up! Repurpose your sibling’s clothes. 👕Or do swaps with friends. Or join Buy nothing groups. There are so many ways to get free clothes.

🧈I Can’t Believe It’s Not Frijoles! Opening butter containers and cookie tins to find… neither of those things is a rite of passage for Latin@ kids. Keep the tradition alive and reuse containers!

🛒Grocery bags, once empty, are ::drumroll:: trash bags! 😮Don’t spend money buying bags for those cans.

🧼Dish soap is like your abuela’s guilt trips: eternal. The secret comes right out of your faucet. Just add agua 💧to that little drop of soap left and POOF! Más jabón!

👜Finally, use your mom’s purse to front on social media like you got that cash money! Just make sure it’s not in front of a mirror…

What money saving tips have you picked up from growing up? Comment below! 👇

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