Money Talks August 2021 | WEARESUMA

Stick To Your Budget


Our paycheck and our credit card walking clueless into the long weekend 😂🙌🏽

You don’t have to fear both your credit card and paycheck coming together when it’s payday! 😳🤑They can actually have fun together if you’re mindful of your spending. 😎

How? Well sit back down and pay attention chic@! 📖 1) budget how you want to spend during the weekend💰and 2) Stick to it!💪🏽

By following these two simple steps you won’t have to break up what these two have going on and be pennyless by the second week of the month!

You got this! Now who else is going to be bumping Jbalvin’s new song? 🔥🤩

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