Latino Phone Saving Hacks

Latino Phone Saving Hacks

Back in the day it was your abuela calling los primos back home or your mama on the phone all day with her siblings and amigas. Since the days of the land line, Latin@s have been finding money saving hacks to lock down a better phone bill. Remember, back in the day when your mom or abuela would literally lock up the phone. No lie… lock up the phone to keep people from using it. You can’t use what you can’t see. There were even locks for rotary phones to keep them from being used. 🔒💰

Well, there’s no need to get loc@ to lock down a better price. Here’s a few simple hacks.

  1. Call your company and negotiate. If you threaten to leave, especially if you’re a long time customer, customer service reps can drop your price. Hey, if it works for Karen…

  2. Use an employee discount. Do you know someone who knows someone? There might be a deal you can use or you can get on their family plan. Ask around before you sign a contract.

  3. Downgrade your plan. Do you have something you don’t need? Are you paying for insurance? Are there fees? Would a new number drop your price? There might be something you can shave off your bill.

  4. Prepaid baby! Sure some people might think prepaid phones are real ratchet. Maybe Nurse Ratchet is saving mad money on her phone and doesn’t care what you think. Prepaid puts you in control of the price you pay.

We’re attached to our phones, you should be able to save a few bucks without having your abuela hide your phone in a lata de cafe. Sound off with your favorite phone saving hacks. 👇🏽 Porque sharing secrets is how we all can save.


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