Money Talks October 2021 | Miriam Bribiesca

Latinas Chismeando On National Savings Day

Latinas Chismeando On National Savings Day

Today is #NationalSavingsDay and the treat we have for you is all about what Latinas are chismeando about when it comes to their dinero! 👀💰 

And regardless of what you’ve heard, talking money with your friends and family is not “rude,” in fact, speaking with those closest to you about money matters makes you more confident and knowledgeable!

Here’s what we’ve heard is trending,
1. Recalentado is actually delicious and saves you money.
2. Your mamá’s grocery store can save you BIG time.
3. Believe it or not you CAN invest with a little bit of money and then go get some tacos.
4. Saving a portion of your income makes you a jefa!
5. Curving your spending and handling your finances well will put you in a better place in the future. 

These are just some of the ones we’ve heard. But there are so many other ways to save and grow your money.

Share with us what financial chisme you and your amig@s talk about… we all want to know! 👂🏽

For more financial info, click Get Started to go to our Suma App. Let’s build wealth juntos!

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  1. Jane Lopez

    Hola ~
    I saw your site on CBS this morning. I’ll check out articles and see if I can utilize your services.
    Gracias. Looks interesting.

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