Latin@ Saving Strategies

👋 Hola, mijit@s! It goes without saying, but Latin@s truly are ingenious when it comes to saving! Ya tú sabes that “saving” is music to our ears. 🎶 and as your financial padrinos we are always happy to celebrate any dinero saving methods. Which is why we want to share with you some fun Latin@ ways you can start saving today! 💥
Save some money by showering with rainwater and a cubeta! 🌧🪣 Look, we’ve all done it. Some might say it’s more satisfying than using an actual shower. Showering with a cubeta helps you save money on your water bill, and you can slide the rest of that cash into your savings account. Not into showers with your cubeta? How about using it to water your plants or wash your dirty dishes? There are many ways to save! 💰
Why pay $3-$7 for a coffee when there’s Nescafé Clásico? ☕️ Yep, that’s right! The coffee your abuelos and tios love. Just scoop a few spoonfuls into some hot water and there’s your café! It’s cheap and think of the money you’ll save! 🤑📈
Hay comida en la casa! 🏡 Your parents weren’t wrong. Make a big batch of frijoles and eat them throughout the week. 🧑🍳 It doesn’t have to be boring! Add some jalapeños, cotija cheese, nopales, tostadas, or avocados to shake it up. 😋 You’ll be saving money and eating well!
Comment how you’re going to start saving! 👇
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