Money Talks August 2021 | Fernanda Perez

Invest Like a Nopal

Invest Like a Nopal

To have a stable financial future, you have to be like a nopal🌵: grow steadily without luxuries until one day you can see your profits bloom like a colorful nopal flower😍. Que bonito! Here at SUMA we want to give you a helpful breakdown of how much you would need to invest now💵, to maintain your lifestyle and have a stable financial future for when you retire!

If you are part of Gen Z👼🏽, starting now will get you ahead of the game mij@s! If you are in your early 20’s, saving about $400 of your paycheck a week would give you retirement savings of about 5 millions dollars (with a 6% growth). Wow, get those Ms🤜🏽! Yes, we understand this may seem like a lot for some, but imagine being a viejit@ who is able to afford vacations, fiestas and any health costs👴🏽✨👵🏾.

If you are starting out as a Millenial💽, you know, those of us who grew up with the novelas Carita de Angel and Rebelde, you might need to invest a little more, but it’s still doable. If you save about $760 of your paycheck per week, you can join your Zoomer prim@s in that #millionairelyfestyle💰.

Did you know that when you cut a nopal pad, a new pad will grow back AND you can use the cut pad to grow a new nopal🌵🌵?! Just like you could grow your little nopal army, your investments also work this way: You will get returns on your returns, not just on your first investment🤑!

Yes, we are serious. Who knew nopales were tan chéveres😎! With your early investment, you will be able to enjoy retirement with your family and friends (or with your nopal army)🌵😅!

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