Financial Resolutions For 2021

Hey, amig@s, let’s start a new New Year’s Eve 🎉 tradition together! Or more like let’s modify one that so many of us grew up watching our jefit@s partake in when we were growing up. And, no, we’re not talking about 🍻drinking so much that you spend all of New Year’s Day nursing your 🤕 cruda like your one tío who never knows when to stop 🛑. We’re talking about the one with the 12 uvas 🍇 de la suerte.
You know the one where you have 12 grapes and when the clock strikes 🕛, you eat one grape a second and make a wish on each grape? The idea behind that tradition is that each grape represents a month in the new year. We ❤️ that tradition, but we want to change it so that instead of making wishes that may or may not come true, we make financial resolutions that we can totally make come true.
The thing is that eating a grape a second is already kinda hard to do and we don’t want you to choke – literally or metaphorically – that wouldn’t be a great way to start the year. So, let’s prep ahead of time that way when it’s time to pop 🍾 them grapes, we’re good to go!
Here are 12 financial goals you can set for the new year:
➡️ Nuff 💲 for X-tra guac 🥑
➡️ Pump up 💪🏽 my credit score
➡️ Become my own jef@ 💯
➡️ Triple my credit card rewards 💳
➡️ Win a Free vacation (post pandemic) 🏝️
➡️ Buy my own casita 🏠
➡️ Become an ineversionista 📈
➡️ Make money in my sleep 🛌🏽
➡️ Say adios 👋🏽 to debt
➡️ Pay off my parents mortgage 👵🏽🧓🏽
➡️ Side hustle less but make more 💲
➡️ Double 📈 my ahorros
As for how you can achieve those goals, we promise to spend the next year doing as we’ve been doing. We’ll keep sharing ways to grow your ahorros, pay off your credit card debt, buy that casita you’re dreaming of and do everything we can to provide you with the knowledge and resources to help you level up financially.
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