SUMA Money Squad Twitter Talk Latina Equal Pay Day
We are SUMA Wealth, and we are here to build wealth juntos.
Being Latin@ is a beautiful, unique experience. Whether you’re an immigrant yourself, or were born in the US, las costumbres de nuestra gente are baked into us like a baby Jesus in la rosca. From the food we eat, to the music that makes our hips uncontrollably shake (is that Suavemente I hear?), there’s no denying quien somos. One thing we can sometimes miss out on, though, is the chance to learn about important topics like personal finances from our own community. It’s no one’s fault – most of our families have only been here for one or two generations. We are the trailblazers figuring things out like college education and home ownership!
So it’s that right there – the opportunity to learn about important topics like budgeting, home buying, building credit, investing, and creating wealth from our own comunidad – that is what SUMA is here to offer. Built by us, for us, we teach our community finance in a language all our own. We are here to help the Latin@ community set massive goals, and offer the tools to achieve them. Because to aspire means to challenge, and to challenge means to push, and to push means we all have to find the energy from within. So today, we invite our community to take this step juntos.
In our first Money Squad Twitter Talk, Latin@ leaders in business gathered to talk about how their heritage plays into their experiences in the corporate world. Check out our favorite comments, moments, and stories below.
Pa’ adelante, mi gente. Y con ganas.
– Suma Wealth
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