Money Talks September 2021 | Miriam Bribiesca

El Grito Of Financial Independence

AY AY AY!!! Financial independence qué lind@ y querid@! 🗣️🇲🇽

We are screaming at the top of our lungs because we love seeing our gente become financially independent and debt free. Infante sure knew how to celebrate it! 🤑🙌🏽😉

Today, we want to wish all of our Mexican familia a happy day of independence, and also take a moment to congratulate every single one of you who decided this year would be about maintaining good financial habits. 🎊🎉🥳 Just look at how far you have come! 🥲

If you’re still working on it, no worries! Becoming financially free requires perseverance and habits like budgeting and such but as Latino@s we know you have it in you.😉 So even if you still have some debt and are working towards paying it off, just think about that day when you will be able to pay it in full like our amigo Infante! WOHOO! 😁💪🏽

Now, how about a little cheers? Here’s to building wealth! Pa arriba, pa abajo, pal centro, pa dentro! 🍾🥂

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