Work From Home vs. Living From Work
Here are 3 tips for working from your new office, aka “la sala” 🛋:
Tip 1: Maintain Regular Hours ⏱
Be like our Mamás or Abuelas, the masters of keeping that Saturday morning cleaning schedule – Make a schedule that is healthy and good for you.
Tip 2: Set Ground Rules With People In Your Space 🙅🏽
Sure, it’s your office now, but it’s still the *living* room for everyone else in your house. 😒 But! Don’t swing the piñata stick just yet – make sure to coordinate with whoever you live with to ensure you can maintain a happy work environment.
Tip 3: Schedule Breaks 💆🏽
With all this working from home, perhaps a mandatory siesta 🥱 should be reintroduced to the work day.
😴But until we get HR to add PNT (paid nap time) to our PTO, make sure to take small breaks even a quick meditation works. Remember to rest your eyes from that computer screen, and to at least stretch and breath. *inhale*😮 *exhale*😤
👇🏽 If you have any additional tips of what works for you, share in the comments below!👇🏽
Source: h_dquincy // pcmag
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