Rolas To Break Up With Your Expenses



Oye! Mij@! It’s time to sing Bye, Me Voy 👋🏽to all those expenses that are taking you for a ride. They’re spending your hard-earned cash and leaving you empty at the end of the month. Ay. Let them go. Your budgeting is better than that.💋 We’re here to lay out how malos all these expenses are and why you need to break up with them.💔


We know, you meant to break up with Subscription Services, and then months go by, and then it’s the holidays and you’re still on auto-pay. Basta! According to a study by West Monroe Partners, most Americans are unaware of how much they spend on Subscription Services. Cut them out of your life para siempre!


Take-out isn’t romantic anymore. Take-out knows you can save money eating at home and the minute you learn that take-out knows it’ll lose you. Do it, mujer! 💪🏽Stop getting Take-out as often as you do and get ready to snuggle up with some homemade meals that you can enjoy all night long. 😘While you’re at it, kick that side piece Daily Coffee Run to the curb.☕️Ese Estarbucks thinks you can’t live without him pero you can make that at home, too.


Ay, we get it. Rolling into a party with Fancy Car makes you feel fancy too! 🚘 Pero Fancy Car is soooooo high maintenance – gas, insurance, unexpected repairs. All your amig@s know it, too! They wanna know what you see in Fancy Car because to them, it’s all a façade. Deja el Fancy Car! We can introduce you to Public Transportation. 🚌They’re always looking for love.


We know you need to keep Groceries 🛒around but with a little terapia, even Groceries can get better. The Simple Dollar blog suggests letting your wandering eye land on bulk packages of nonperishable food items. And not just nonperishables, but things like soap and shampoo as well. The Simple Dollar also mentions looking for coupons for items you use all the time. The savings, spread out over months, will show you that Groceries is committed to “saving” the relationship. ♥️


It may feel like you’ve been with Phone Bill forever 📱but that’s no reason to not re-visit your relationship. Ask yourself how much you really use your cell phone’s data plan.🤔 It’s a nice comfort pero get uncomfortable and look for ways to downgrade to a cheaper plan. Don’t ignore the problems because you’re blinded by the bells and whistles. You don’t need the extras when Phone Bill’s basics will keep you supported.


Break ups 💔aren’t easy, pero you’re fuerte. You’ll get through it and you’ll be más fuerte and more financially savvy on the other side.


What expenses have you had to break up with and what song 🎶would you add to our SUMA playlist? Want to listen to all these rolas? Check out our playlist here:



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