¿Qué onda con NFTs?

¿Qué onda con NFTs?


Oh, my GATOS! Did you hear about how a GIF of a gato sold for $580K. 🙀 How is it even possible when that GIF is already on the internet 💻 for anyone to see and use? Pues, it’s possible porque the creator of the original GIF sold it as a non-fungible token. 🤔 A what?


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique cryptographic assets that cannot be replicated because they exist on a blockchain ⛓️. En otras palabras, while there may be many copies online of that gato GIF that sold for big bucks, there is only one original and the person that bought the NFT original cat can certify 📝 they own the original because of blockchain technology. Orale!


So, what are you investing in when you buy NFTs? In the case of the gato, it’s like you are investing in a piece of art 🖼️ that only exists on the interwebs. 


All this has us thinking we should open up an NFT taco 🌮 stand. How much do you think people would be willing to pay for tres or maybe just one-of-a-kind non-fungible taco de asada? YUM! Let us know below 👇🏽


Want more financial tips or have questions? Text “HOLA” to 323-629-8732 for more info. 📲

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