El Dinero Report October 2020 | WEARESUMA

Negotiating Your Worth During A Pandemic

Negotiating Your Worth During A Pandemic

Nobody else can or should dictate your worth. That’s for you to decide! People will pay for your value, you just have to figure out what that is primero.

Some tips for negotiating your worth in a pandemic right here: 

1️⃣ Do not approach a negotiation with a scarcity mindset.

2️⃣ Think beyond salary and about total compensation.

3️⃣ Prepare your notes! Know your worth ahead of time & make sure to highlight your skills that are outside the job description. 

It’s important to 👏🏽KNOW👏🏽YOUR👏🏽WORTH! Check out sites like Payscale.com, LinkedIn Jobs, or Glassdoor to see what people in your role are getting paid. 💸🧾Also ask friends and colleagues you trust if they’re willing to share what they’ve made for similar positions, use that network! 🤝

Take into consideration that you should be compensated for all the hours you spent getting your skillset to where it is. That time is just as vital to the work you’re doing now. 🕰 = 💰

Consider you’re a well rounded person who has more to offer than the face value of your resume. And *all* of your skills can aid in the function of your work environment. 

Another low-key way to show off to your employer: update every part of your LinkedIn, and ask former bosses or colleagues to add a recommendation on your page. 😉💡📑


Source: The Financial Gym



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