Los Investors
Picture yourself sitting down to a fun night of lotería with your familia and friends. You grab a bunch of spare change from your pockets or the bottom of your purse 👜. You’re feeling lucky 🍀 and you’re ready to grow the pile of moneditas you’ve stacked up in front of yourself. The cantor 🗣️ starts calling out the cards. First comes El Catrin all bien vestido 🎩, then comes El Investor all bien invertido 📈. Wait, what?!
We know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking: “El Investor isn’t a lotería card and it doesn’t belong in a game of lotería.” But what if we told you that for about the same amount of money that it takes for you to play lotería, you could start investing in the stock market and become El Investor yourself? 😉
It’s true! Just like you don’t have to be a high roller to get your lotería game on, you can do the same when it comes to investing in the stock market. Except instead of using your spare moneditas to buy into a lotería game, you use your coins to buy shares or fractional shares of stock that can eventually grow your monedas into más money. 🙌
OK, so aside from using your lotería money to become an investor, here are a few other easy ways to find money to invest without having to get another job or sell your soul to El Diablo ⬅️👀(You see what we did there?):
Sell, sell, sell! Someday you’ll be selling shares, but for now you can sell items you no longer need like used clothing or electronics so that you can buy shares.
Skip eating out because en la casa hay frijoles.
Stop buying bottled water.
Do we even need to bring up skipping expensive coffee or boba drinks?
Cancel any subscriptions you don’t use or rarely use.
Invest any cash gifts you get for your birthday or graduation or just because.
Now, it’s your turn to share some suggestions on how we can all find money in our budgets to invest in the stock market.
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