Improve Your Credit With This App

Improve Your Credit With This App
Psssh, Psssh 🤫 We found a free app named Perch Credit that allows you to build your credit using your recurring expenses like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Apple Music. Que bien, no?!
You can even report up to 24 months of past rent payments to see a positive impact on your score.📈 And no te preocupes, it looks legit because it’s got a lot of serious investors, including Hip Hop mogul Jay Z. 😎
Try it out and tells us if it works for you! We’re pretty sure Romeo would approve 😉🌹Now you can really chill while watching TV and your credit score increase. Talk about win win!
Want more financial tips and reminders right to your phone? Text us HOLA at 323-629-8732 📲😉
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