El Dinero Report October 2020 | WEARESUMA

Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund

As Latinos we rarely talk about starting our emergency fund. Now more than ever, we should be thinking about that guardadito for a rainy day (or a pandemic, whichever comes first). 

Pero like, how do we even start when money is always tight?!

Start by setting some #MoneyGoals: a good rule of thumb is to save up to the equivalent of 3-6 months of your salary or expenses, which sounds like a lot. Pero mij@, you have to start somewhere. 

Take it one savings at a time, we believe in you! 💪🏽

You can start by adding up the change you get back from handing $20 at the taqueria, or if you want to show off, you can go as far as having your tax refund directly deposited into your emergency fund account!

Take a deep breath and think about all those impulse buys you make on the daily and, instead, add that to the alcancia. Congrats, you’ve officially started your emergency fund. Now watch it grow! 💵📈

Show of hands, how many of you have recently started your emergency fund? 🖐🏽Comment below!


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