Calculating Tu Networth
Let’s keep our self worth high and that net worth higher, am I right!? 🤑 So how do we calculate our net worth? Adding up ➕ all of your assets aka your cash 💸, including all the sueltito at the bottom of your bag 👜. Subtract ➖ all your liabilities. That will give you your net worth 💰🤑
According to our friends👭Nerd Wallet, ASSETS are cash or items that you could sell for cash como una casa. LIABILITIES are any money you owe including debts, credit card balances, mortgages, etc. Nerd Wallet also has an easy-to-use calculator to help. So let’s get some nachos 😋 and crunch these numbers💪🏽
!No te asustes! If at first glance it seems low it means we have some new money goals, mij@. Paying off debt, buying property, or investing some stocks could be something to look forward to.
A ver, let’s see who’s got some work to do? Comment below 👇🏽 and let us know what you thought of the net worth calculator! 💯
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