Money Talks August 2021 | WEARESUMA

Business Flan How-To: Dinero Session x Quickbooks Recap

Business Flan How-To: Dinero Session x Quickbooks Recap

Launching your business doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be as simple as making flan. 🍮 The one that has all the basic ingredients but it’s prepared in such a way that it blows the competition!😎

We have a step-by-step guide to get you on your way. This starts with creating an enticing business flan, oops we mean plan. 😉 Here are some of the ingredients you will need:

The WHAT: Know your product inside and out and show it off in your executive summary. This is your chance to put all the ingredients together, and don’t forget the Original Mexican Vanilla! 😋

The WHY: State your purpose. What problem are you trying to solve? What is your goal? Aside from becoming the new favorite baker in your family. This is called your mission statement. 🤓

The WHO: Research and know your customer. Abuelita always knew how much to make, so you should know your buyers and how your product helps them. This is called, knowing your market. 😌

And THAT is just the first step out of 5! You still have so much more to learn! For a replay of the Dinero Session, click here

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