6 ways to enjoy PRIDE Month

6 ways to enjoy PRIDE Month

Happy Pride Month Familia!

Let’s make this Pride month, one where we can enjoy and celebrate! 💪🏽🤩🤑 While a yummy rainbow concha and a cold brew cafecito can be a part of the celebration, let’s take it back to financial literacy! 🤓💰

Here are 6 ways you can enjoy PRIDE month while also improving your relationship with your money:

Avoid Credit Card Debt 💳: Without realizing it, avoiding credit card debt or even paying it off monthly can give you the freedom you want to embark on new endeavors.

Know the Difference Between a Need and a Want 🤔: Not everything we want is something that we need! Making that distinction will help you reduce your debt significantly.

Spend Less than you make 🤑: It’s tempting to put it on the credit card and pay it off but if you are not accurately making those conscious choices, they can lead you to more debt.

Pay Yourself First and Save Automatically 📈: The secret to building wealth is starting ASAP! Saving is all about discipline! So the moment you pay yourself ensure it goes to the right destination. 

Learn to Get the Most Bang For Your Buck 💵: Do your research and don’t just spend to SPEND! There are hacks that can save hundreds of dollars, don’t get swayed easily!!

Ignore the Karens ☝️: Karens will be Karens so be happy and carry on! 

The way we all win is by ensuring that our money future is secured.

If you don’t know where to start, keep in mind we have the FREE SUMAversity which you can check out HERE! Now time to enjoy la concha and some cold brew!

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